Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Archive for December, 2008

My favorite Christmas Gift!!
Monday, December 29th, 2008
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This was my absolute favorite chirstmas gift!!

jammies!Read more

Rick Rolled!
Friday, December 19th, 2008
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Apparently, I’m the last person on Earth who learned about the Rick Rolling phenomenon. Basically, it’s an internet thing where you click on a video link thinking you’re going to watch one thing, but instead a video or Rick Astley singing Never Gonna Give You Up comes on. I must admit me though, I love this song, and Rick Astley is now my hero for being such a good sport. He Rick Rolls the country at the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade. My hat is off to you sir. I love Rick Rolling!!

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Things that annoy the hell out of me…
Tuesday, December 9th, 2008
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1. Parents who allow their kids to skate with those sneakers that have those wheels in the heels at inappropriate places…like the grocery store where I’m just trying to buy some milk. Yet I’d be the one in the wrong if I tripped the kid. *sigh*

2. People who are too friggin’ lazy to take their shopping cart back where they belong. Instead they leave them right smack in the middle of the parking lot for someone to hit or to roll into someone’s car.

3. People who don’t say thank you when you hold the door for them. That’s … Read more

Win One of Two Kindles!!!
Monday, December 1st, 2008
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For details please visit Angela James’s blog at: http://nicemommy-evileditor.com/blog/

P.S. Yes, Scott, guys can enter too. 😉… Read more