Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Tuesday Night’s Rant
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005
Filed under Uncategorized

Okay, this is my rant for the night. I guess since this is my first time posting something to my blog I will preface this by saying that this blog will reflect my personality and my opinions. I may sometimes write about my stories or upcoming things in my life, but mainly, I will talk about what I feel like. Tonight I feel like talking about American Idol and my turtle Gary.
First off, I love American Idol, that Simon is the best part of the show. I don’t know why every one hates him. He tells it like it is. I don’t always agree with him but some of these so called singers need to be told. Hey we can’t all sing. Irealize that I’m a shower singer and wouldn’t dare take it beyond that. I think American Idol should tell you something. Be honest with your friends. Many of these people go through life thinking they can sing because no one wanted to hurt their feelings, well let me tell you, it will be a lot less humiliating for them if you told them up front before they embarrass themselves on national television. I think my favorites tonight were the first girl, Vonzell, she’s got the overall package, looks, style and talent, and a two inch waist. I hate her. Okay, okay, I don’t really hate her, a little envious though. I also liked the blonde girl, that sings country. I forget her name but whether her country style of singing holds up that remains to be seen. Oh well, I will be glued to the tv tomorrow night wating the results show. I am a reality television show junkie. I’m so addicted to relality tv that I just might write a book about a reality show.
Anyway, moving on to Gary, he’s my pet turtle. Believe it or not I bought him at a flea market last year. People kept telling me that it was crazy of me to buy him from a flea market because he wouldn’t survive the car ride home, but hahaha, Gary is still alive, barely, but still alive. I really should post some pictures of him soon. He’s a little thing not much bigger than a half dollar. He has got to be the most lethargic thing I have ever seen. I think I have seen sloths who were more active than Gary. I have to poke him daily to make sure he’s still alive. Secretly, I think he’s trying to commit suicide because I have found him doing the back stroke several times. You tell me. What kind of turtle swims on his back. Hey! To all the turtle people out there give me some advice. I have a depressed turtle on my hands. *sigh* I really should be writing but I’m feeling kind of lethargic like Gary. What I need is a swift kick in the rear to get me going again. Queen of Procrastination here. Well, that’s my rant for tonight. Peace out!!


One comment to “Tuesday Night’s Rant”

  1. Tina
      · February 24th, 2005 at 10:49 am · Link

    Aww, poor Gary. Maybe he needs a buddy. :)

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:wink: :-| :-x :twisted: :) 8-O :( :roll: :-P :oops: :-o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :-D :evil: :cry: 8) :arrow: :-? :?: :!: