Eve Vaughn, Romance Author

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

God Bless America
Thursday, August 28th, 2008
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What a Woman
Tuesday, August 26th, 2008
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Michelle Obama

What a fantastic speech. … Read more

R.I.P. Bernie Mac
Saturday, August 9th, 2008
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Bernie Mac

He was a great comedian. I hope somewhere in heaven, him George Carlin and Richard Pryor are having a party. … Read more

Daria’s Dilemma-Now Available at Changeling Press!!
Thursday, July 24th, 2008
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Daria's Dilemma

Daria’s Dilemma
Daria West has met the man of her dreams. Ethan Granger is handsome, charming, and funny — and the biggest plus — he loves every inch of her voluptuous curves. Unfortunately, he forgot to mention, he’s a tree. And there are two of him. And Daria West is not a woman who likes being played.

Identical twins Ethan and Cole Granger have always done everything together — including falling in love. They’ve searched for their perfect mates since they reached pollisexation. The problem is, they keep falling for the same woman. The perfect solution: a mate who falls … Read more

Random Cuteness
Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
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Mistress to the Beast Now Available at Samhain!
Tuesday, June 17th, 2008
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Mistress to the Beast

Can this beauty tame the beast?

Her father’s shop is more than just a family business. It’s the place they lovingly call home. When a powerful property development company stoops to barely legal tactics to force them to sell, Lila’s outrage spurs her straight to the source to fight the injustice.

A serious accident left Hunter Jamison’s body scarred. A bitter split from his latest lover has left the former playboy without faith in the female sex. Yet, confronted with Lila’s fiery beauty, he finds himself offering her a deal: If she’ll be his mistress for three months, he’ll allow … Read more

My Observations on the road….
Monday, June 9th, 2008
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For the past few months, I’ve been traveling to conferences, attending graduations and visiting family which included flying, and driving in other states. Here are a few of the things I’ve observed while traveling,

If I’m in the left lane going 80 miles an hour in a 60 mile zone, yes, I know I’m speeding. But if you’re tailgating and flashing your lights at me and see the cars on my right are driving at a much slower pace, then you’re an asshole.

Turn signals were built in your car for a reason.

If you cut me off, nearly causing … Read more

All I can say is,
Monday, May 12th, 2008
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Congratulations, you’re officially a moron.

I don’t know why someone would think this is appropriate to wear to a high school prom. I’ve always said when you’ve got it flaunt it, but only when you’re old enough to have figured out what ‘it’ is and you’re out on your own paying your own damn bills. I can’t imagine what her mother was thinking to allow her out of the house in this. If I had a daughter her age and she wanted to wear that napkin to the prom, I’d probably put her in a headlock. Maybe I’m being too … Read more

All Worked Up-Now Available at Ellora’s Cave
Thursday, May 8th, 2008
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All Worked Up

Landon should be happy. He has looks, money and co-owns the hottest gym in town. But he’s missing someone to share his success with. Tired of the dating scene and shallow women, Landon has all but given up his search for love, that is until Gloria Sanders, a voluptuous beauty from his past, walks into his gym. When they knew each other before, too many obstacles stood in their way. Now circumstances have changed and nothing will stop him from claiming her as his.

Gloria, determined to move on after her divorce, decides to take private fitness lessons. When she … Read more

I Love L.A. Banks!!
Saturday, May 3rd, 2008
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I really think an author’s personality can either make or break them in this industry. So many times we hear about the negative, but I think the positive has just as much of an impact. Case in point, L.A. Banks. At my chapter’s RWA meeting today, she was our guest speaker and afterwards she had lunch with us. This wasn’t the first time I’d met her, but let me just say, this woman is so amazing. She has such a genuinely warm personality it makes you want to instantly go out and buy her books. I’ve never heard one negative … Read more