Eve Vaughn, Romance Author
Wenesday’s Rant
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005
Filed under Uncategorized

Just got finished watching American Idol. Why in the world do they drag that show out for an hour just to tell someone they’re going home? I’ll tell you why, because saps like me would still watch it. I think that Mikayla girl should go. She sounds like a cross between Fran Dreshire and Charlie Brown’s teacher. “Wonk wonk wonk won” Oh well. I g0t some writing done tonight. Yippee. Tonight however, I’m going to do something I haven’t been able to do. I’m going to curl up in bed early with a good book, well, actually my pda. I downloaded Marilyn Lee’s Teacher’s Pet that’s out with Loose id and I know that’s going to be hot read so I’m looking forward to it. I will tell you what I think of it when I’m finished. I know I’ll probably like it. I like all of her stuff. Maybe one day on someone else’s blog they’ll say something like, “That Eve is something else. I love all of her books” Well a girl can dream can’t she? Well I’m off for a hot read. Peace out!!!

Tuesday Night’s Rant
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005
Filed under Uncategorized

Okay, this is my rant for the night. I guess since this is my first time posting something to my blog I will preface this by saying that this blog will reflect my personality and my opinions. I may sometimes write about my stories or upcoming things in my life, but mainly, I will talk about what I feel like. Tonight I feel like talking about American Idol and my turtle Gary.
First off, I love American Idol, that Simon is the best part of the show. I don’t know why every one hates him. He tells it like it is. I don’t always agree with him but some of these so called singers need to be told. Hey we can’t all sing. Irealize that I’m a shower singer and wouldn’t dare take it beyond that. I think American Idol should tell you something. Be honest with your friends. Many of these people go through life thinking they can sing because no one wanted to hurt their feelings, well let me tell you, it will be a lot less humiliating for them if you told them up front before they embarrass themselves on national television. I think my favorites tonight were the first girl, Vonzell, she’s got the overall package, looks, style and talent, and a two inch waist. I hate her. Okay, okay, I don’t really hate her, a little envious though. I also liked the blonde girl, that sings country. I forget her name but whether her country style of singing holds up that remains to be seen. Oh well, I will be glued to the tv tomorrow night wating the results show. I am a reality television show junkie. I’m so addicted to relality tv that I just might write a book about a reality show.
Anyway, moving on to Gary, he’s my pet turtle. Believe it or not I bought him at a flea market last year. People kept telling me that it was crazy of me to buy him from a flea market because he wouldn’t survive the car ride home, but hahaha, Gary is still alive, barely, but still alive. I really should post some pictures of him soon. He’s a little thing not much bigger than a half dollar. He has got to be the most lethargic thing I have ever seen. I think I have seen sloths who were more active than Gary. I have to poke him daily to make sure he’s still alive. Secretly, I think he’s trying to commit suicide because I have found him doing the back stroke several times. You tell me. What kind of turtle swims on his back. Hey! To all the turtle people out there give me some advice. I have a depressed turtle on my hands. *sigh* I really should be writing but I’m feeling kind of lethargic like Gary. What I need is a swift kick in the rear to get me going again. Queen of Procrastination here. Well, that’s my rant for tonight. Peace out!!


Book Release
Friday, February 18th, 2005
Filed under Books

The latest releases from Eve Vaughn are now available!
Descendants of the Light: Raven’s Calling – Available NOW!
Blood Brothers: GianMarco’s Muse -Available NOW!!
A Night To Remember – Available NOW!!
Love Potion # 69-Available NOW!!
Descendants of the Light 2: Genesis-Available NOW!!
Every Breath You Take-Available Now!!
4Play-Available Now!!
Blood Brothers2:Niccolo’s Witch-Available NOW!!!
I Know Who You Did Last Summer!-Available NOW!!

I Know Who You Did Last Summer!

by Eve Vaughn
cover art by Karen Fox
ISBN: 1-59596-177-1
Genre(s): BDSM, Humorous, Interracial
Length: Novella
I Know Who You Did Last Summer!
I Know Who You Did Last Summer. If you want answers, meet me at the Steam Engine tonight at 8:00. I’ll find you. Wear something sexy.

A power play. That’s all it is and Patricia knows it. A high-powered advertising executive, Patricia’s known around the office as the ice princess. But hey. She’s trying to survive in a man’s world. She’s not about to be cowed by a simple little note. She’s not about to let anyone at work know she’s fantasized about BDSM, either.

Determined to find the perpetrators and stop these notes, Patricia runs right into her nemesis, Clint Donavon. He’s everything she never wanted — all 6’ 3″ gorgeous inches of him. Clint has to be one of the sexiest men she’s ever met. But how can she possibly submit to a man she can’t trust?

Blood Brothers2:Niccolo’s Witch

by Eve Vaughn
cover art by Angela Knight
ISBN: 1-59632-140-7
Genre(s): Paranormal, Vampire
Length: Full Length
Blood Brothers 2
Can a six-hundred year-old vampire
and a ninety-nine year old witch
reconcile their powerful lusts and even
more powerful wounds to save everything
that matters to them both?


by Eve Vaughn
cover art by Bryan Keller
ISBN: 1-59596-183-6
Genre(s): Paranormal, Interracial
Length: Novella
Trina Davis has had it with men. After coming home to find her fiancé in bed with her so-called best friend, she decides that she has been hurt for the last time, and will from then on refuse to have anything to do with men. She decides that the best thing she needs is a vacation, and attempts to book a trip to Jamaica. She soon discovers that her ex has maxed out her credit card.

Now more resolved than ever to stay away from men, she tries to pick the pieces of her life back up again, when she receives a mysterious letter in the mail saying that she has won an all expense paid trip to a new island called Chimera. Even though she thinks it may be a timeshare gimmick, she throws caution to the wind and decides to go for it. To her dismay, the island is crawling with men. She thwarts all men she comes in contact with, but three men in particular won’t take no for an answer.

Roar, Bayoh, and Talh believe they have found their perfect mate in the form of the stunning Miss Trina Davis. They come from a tribe of shifters where the women are scarce, and there are three males to every female. Can they convince Trina that she belongs to them? And can she accept them for what they are?

Every Breath You Take

by Eve Vaughn
cover art by Jet Mykles
ISBN: 1-59632-137-7
Genre(s): Paranormal, Suspense, Multi-cultural
Length: Full Length
Every Breath You Take
Derrick comes back from the
dead to save his wife from his
killer. The problem is his new body
isn’t his. It’s got baggage. And, it’s

Descendants of the Light 2: Genesis

by Eve Vaughn
cover art by Bryan Keller
ISBN: 1-59596-160-7
Genre(s): Paranormal, Interracial
Length: Novella
Descendants of the Light 2: Genesis
Genesis Johnson is fast losing control of her well-ordered life. She needs time to think and sort things out. Although she’s a brilliant doctor, she may well lose her job when she breaks hospital protocal and runs afoul of the hospital administration.

Genesis and her sister take a road trip — only to find themselves in the middle of nowhere. Her day only gets worse when she’s taken captive by one of the most gorgeous men she’s ever seen. Fireworks erupt between her and her redhead captor, Prince Kalian.

Spirited away to another world, she learns she is not only one of the last remaining descendants of a race known for their healing power, but she must also become the bride of one of the Ceyan Princes. The only Ceyan she wants is Prince Kalian, and he wants her too!

Buy it at ChangelingPress’s Site

Love Potion # 69

by Eve Vaughn
cover art by Sahara Kelly
ISBN: 1-59596-159-3
Genre(s): Paranormal
Length: Novella
Love Potion # 69
Shayla Allen has it bad. For 16 years she has been madly in love with Ben Carrington. She has tried everything she could think of to win his affection short of dancing naked on a table in front of him. Nearly defeated, she receives a mysterious flyer in the mail that says: Make him love you. Intrigued, she finds out that the flyer was sent by a gypsy named Madame Shaniqua who says that she can make a love potion that will make Ben fall in love with Shayla. Eager to find out more, Shayla visits to the gypsy only to find out that Madame Shaniqua is no Madame at all and is in fact a cross-dresser!!

Although she suffers from many misgivings, Shayla purchases the love potion from Madame Shaniqua and learns the true meaning of the phrase: be careful for what you wish for because you just might get it. Not only does Ben fall for her, so does every man she comes in contact with along with a few other surprises. Needing to get away from the craziness, she finds an escape where she least expects it, her sworn enemy, Ben’s older brother Brad.

Brad is perfectly willing to resuce Shayla from her predicament, but who will save Shayla from Brad?

Buy it at ChangelingPress’s Site

Descendants of the Light: Raven’s Calling

by Eve Vaughn
cover art by Bryan Keller
ISBN: 1-59596-141-0
Genre(s): Paranormal, Sci-Fi
Length: Novella

Buy This Book for  $3.99
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Buy the Book at the Changling Press Website

The fate of the Ceyan people — in the hands of an Earthling Supermodel?

A strange ailment is slowly wiping out the Ceyan people of planet H’trae. Willing to do anything to save his people, King Rohman sends his brother, Prince Thane, to the Ancient Ones. Prince Thane brings back a proposal. The Ancient Ones will help — for a price.

In exchange for the whereabouts of the last remaining The’Rans, a people known for their great healing powers, the royal brothers must take the The’Ran women as their brides. To Rohman’s astonishment, the last remaining The’Rans are on an unheard-of planet called Earth. What’s more, these The’Ran women have no knowledge of their legacy.

Supermodel Raven Storm has it all — beauty, fame, and fortune. Yet she longs to find some meaningful purpose to her life. With each passing day she grows more and more disenchanted. Her nights are filled with hot, steamy dreams of a dark-haired winged man — the kind of man dreams are made of. After a particularly bad photo shoot, Raven makes up her mind to walk away from the modeling business. She doesn’t get far before she’s taken prisoner by two drop dead gorgeous men — one of whom looks exactly like her dream lover!

On H’trae, Raven learns she is expected to participate in the Feast of the Flesh, taking one of the royal brothers as her husband. There is only one man she will accept as her mate — King Rohman’s youngest brother, Prince Thane, her dream lover. Thane makes it quite clear that she belongs to him, but will King Rohman surrender his right to the bride of his choice in the face of their love?

Read an Excerpt

Blood Brothers: GianMarco’s Muse

by Eve Vaughn
Cover Artist: Angela Knight
ISBN: 1-59632-094-X
Blood Brother's Cover

Once bitten, twice shy…

Private detective GianMarco Grimaldi takes his pleasure wherever he pleases. A six-hundred-year-old vampire, he’s tortured by his past and jaded by immortality. Once a promising artist, a personal tragedy has turned him to a life of bitter solitude, avoiding anything and anyone who reminds him of the life he used to live.

Fed up with GianMarco’s habit of sleeping with the secretaries in their detective agency, GianMarco’s business partner hires someone he thinks GianMarco will have no interest in: Maggie Williams.

Maggie’s trying to put the pieces of her life back together after her husband of twenty-three years left her for another woman. Determined to start her new job with pride, she’s dismayed to meet her arrogant, super-sexy boss.

As passion threatens their hearts, a powerful enemy from GianMarco’s past threatens their very lives.

Read an Excerpt Here!
Buy it at Loose-Id’s Site

A Night To Remember

by Eve Vaughn
A Night to Remember Cover

Grieving widow Charlie Brown was not looking for love. Having spent the past year of her life in a deep depression, Charlie is unable to spend the night in her big empty house alone on the anniversary of her husband’s death. After having too much to drink, one event leads to another and Charlie finds comfort in the arms of a stranger, hunky Jake Fox.

Workaholic Jake Fox was not looking for love either, that was until he spotted the very sexy Charlie Brown. Jake is instantly attracted to the damsel in distress, so when he offers to help her out of a predicament, it leads to one steamy night of passion.

In a panic, Charlie flees the following morning leaving Jake devastated. Charlie is never far from Jake’s mind however, so it comes as a shock to him to discover that his new employee is none other than the women who has haunted his dreams for the past three years. Charlie is equally shocked to find herself employed by Jake’s company because now she has a secret…she has a child…their child.

More information at www.liquidsilverbooks.com! Read Excerpt at the Liquid Silver Books site.

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