1. Parents who allow their kids to skate with those sneakers that have those wheels in the heels at inappropriate places…like the grocery store where I’m just trying to buy some milk. Yet I’d be the one in the wrong if I tripped the kid. *sigh*
2. People who are too friggin’ lazy to take their shopping cart back where they belong. Instead they leave them right smack in the middle of the parking lot for someone to hit or to roll into someone’s car.
3. People who don’t say thank you when you hold the door for them. That’s kind of rude.
4. People with 9000 tattoos and piercings on their bodies who get mad if other people stare. I’ll qualify this by saying I have tattoos myself an and have had piercings. If I wear clothing that will reveal them, I’m sure some people will look. Yes, it’s rude to make unsolicited comments or judge people, that’s not what I’m talking about. But don’t get nasty with someone for simply looking. Yeah, that means you guy at the mall.
5. Guys over thirty with mohawks. Come on. That’s pretty self explanatory.
6. People who breathe over my food. Ick.
7. People who won’t take the hint when I offer them gum…over and over again. I mean I could be offering to be polite because I wanted a piece for myself. But if I keep insisting, it’s probably because your breath stinks.
8. People who just won’t let go. You know who you are.
9. Rude customer service representatives. We know when something goes wrong, it’s not the fault of the person on the other end of the line. They’re just doing their jobs for the most part. But being an asshole when a customer is frustrated only makes matters worse. People skills should be a requirement to deal with the public.
10. Writer’s block.
11. Mean spirited people. The true measure of one’s character isn’t how nice you are to someone, but how nice you are to someone when you don’t have to be.